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  • Sintayehu M. Looking forward.

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            • Elizabeth K. Awaiting the thought-provoking discussion on women - Uterine Fibroid

              • Ahmed E. Great presentations

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            • Ahmed E. Very informative presentation

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                • momo H. BELLE PRESENTATION

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                  • Einas Salah Hasan A. Many thanks

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                    • Yin ha Y. Can Visanne reduce the size of endometriosis and if so how long?

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                      • Simon-Hermann E. What is the timeline for approval or expected availability of GnRH-antagonists in Europe for women with endometriosis-associated pain?

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                        • Ma Isidora Y. Prior to frozen embryo transfer, I give GnRH agonists and aromatase inhibitors to quiet down endometriosis. Can we give dienogest for the same indication?

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                          • Afaf I. Thank you professors for amazing lectures. We are looking for more lectures and evident research. Afaf ismail from Egypt

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                            • Christopher C. Good

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                              • Christopher C. Excellent

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                                • Christopher C. Please teach me more

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